Monday, May 30, 2011


Its been quite sometime since I have penned down my thoughts. As usual I am busy experiencing life at its best and at its worst. Where am I now? At 31 years of age? Married and mother of one?'s not that bad after all. I am leading a normal life the way people expect a normal person or a woman to lead. I have my good days and bad days but hey who cares as long as you are in the queue and not questioning it. Right now I am at my best behaviour. No more rebel no less conformist. Just the way the society or the people around me wants me to be.

Why am I doing it? To learn. To get to know the advantage of being a "typical" person. Its fun, it works and i am sure it will work in the long run. But what about those questions in my mind? What about those answers i am seeking? And what about those unsaid words? Those incomplete explanations? I say to myself don't worry have your life to explore all this. Take it one at a time. You can get whatever you want out of this life whenever you want. Just remember one thing. It's only a matter of time!